sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008

Finding an internet connection is like a not fun scavenger hunt...

So yesterday was our 3rd excursion. What a good time. The day was sunny and brisk when we left Segovia at 11:30am to see a mountain. Now, i could not tell you the name of the mountain because there are soo many around here. However, it is in this little pueblo called Valsain. We all hiked up the mountain (it took about 45 min or so) to find HORSES everywhere, just grazing. it was sooo cool. I was so excited, almost like i had never seen a horse before. We all were a little over the top about them, but it was still cool to see random horses. Our prof, Edu, talked about the different mountains that surrounded the one we were on. We hiked our way to the different battle sites on the mountain.

This mountain was a huge site from the Spanish Civil War between the French Nationalists and the Spanish soldiers for the Republic.....or something like that. Anywho, there were bunkers and pits all over the summit where soldiers slept and fought. They were pretty darn cool. Edu also talked a little about Earnest Hemingway(who i detest) and how he wrote about this site in a book of his, which i did not listen to cause again, do not like him too much. :)

The day was PERFECTO for an excursion. It was chilly so we all got to bundle up in cute stuff but it was sunny so it wasnt TOO cold. On our way down the mountain we encountered a spring...from the mountains! It had been tapped with a spout i am sure by the environmental agency in the area but we all filled out water bottles with the cool, non-chlorinated water. SOOOO YUMMY! haha

Later that evening i went to the church for choir rehearsal again. I switched to soprano yesterday because they did not have enough people...but then the pastor's wife showed up and she can sing loud enough for 3 people. I wanted to switch back down, but oh well. we'll see! After that i met with some of my friends from school to visit the Plaza Mayor because this weekend is the Festival de San Frutos, the patron saint of Segovia. There was a large band giving a concert in the Plaza...we all began dancing and taking ridiculous pictures until we saw this group of couples....so we decide to join them! They were so nice and welcoming to us college kids from America. They were all from Andalucia (southern Spain....specifically from the city of Cordoba!) We just danced with them for like an hour! We taught them the Electric Slide too...dont worry: we danced it to Spanish folk music. (and Dont ask, it just fit in the rhythm.) it was a BLAST. i mean, how often can YOU go to a city square in the US and dance with (adult, 50-60's)strangers for an hour and still be friends, without the awkwardness?? it put me in such a good mood. they were such a cheerful bunch. My friend has pictures which i am sure i will get later.

Anywho, its late on a Saturday afternoon and i have to do some homework. Next week we have mid terms! YIKES. haha God's Blessings to everyone!!

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